CVS Health: Pharmacy Facelift

Working with other members of CVS’s digital team, I provided designs to re-imagine the Pharmacy landing page experience. This work was driven by the following business goals:

  • To increase conversions (getting customers to refill prescriptions, renew prescriptions, utilize prescription services) in general and conversions through desktop and mobile web in particular.

  • Improve user experience and thus CSAT scores (customer satisfaction).

  • Create a more personalized experience.

In order to fulfill the goals above with respect to the Pharmacy landing page, I took the following approach with my designs:

  • Transform the landing page into a hub where prescriptions can be managed and services for the user’s prescriptions can be activated.

  • Make it easier to refill a prescription.

  • Add “calls to action” for prescriptions (“Add to cart” buttons) and the ability to integrate existing prescriptions into pharmacy services.

  • Add cart icon with number indicator, representing number of prescriptions that have been added to order.

  • Provide users with small amounts of information so they can quickly identify prescriptions and utilize status badging to indicate needed actions.

  • Reduce the cognitive load on users by diminishing the superabundance of components and elements found on the current state of the landing page, part of which would be to reduce the available navigation presented on-screen (roll up iconized navigation up into navigation menu’s) and consider using the “minimalist” footer.

  • Conducted an unmoderated user test on the preliminary designs (mobile) from a script that I wrote.

  • Provide users only with the capabilities and content that they want, something that was arrived at by user testing feedback (inclusive of feedback obtained from earlier tests) and by CX insights gathered by ForeSee.

Pharmacy Landing Page (some incremental updates present)

Pharmacy Landing Page (some incremental updates present)


Preliminary Wireframes - Mobile Web

Endeavoring to find usable design direction

Endeavoring to find usable design direction

Many CTA buttons effecting different actions, using dropdowns to display different views of prescription information

Many CTA buttons effecting different actions, using dropdowns to display different views of prescription information

Multiple views of prescription information

Multiple views of prescription information

First pass at drug details content

First pass at drug details content

Determining layout and content in containers

Determining layout and content in containers

Assembling and experimenting with elements, including general layout and cart/e-commerce patterns.

Assembling and experimenting with elements, including general layout and cart/e-commerce patterns.


Final wireframes - Desktop

Facelift Pharmacy Dashboard - Desktop - Drug Details Version@2x.png
Facelift Pharmacy Dashboard - Desktop - Drug Details - Full Revision@2x.png

final Wireframes - mobile Web

Facelift Pharmacy Dashboard - Mobile - Drug Details Version@2x.png
Facelift Pharmacy Dashboard - Mobile - Drug Details - RX History@2x.png